A Framework for Plausible Scenario Planning

Data Tools

Explore Climate Change

This page provides a general overview of historical, recent, and projected climate. Template maps and timeseries of changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables are available for use in reports or other documents. Additional topics include the El NiƱo Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Arctic sea ice. Each section has links to pages within Climate Reanalyzer where maps and timeseries can be reproduced.

U.S. Temperature and Precipitation Maps & Timeseries

View U.S. and state-level temperature and precipitation data for annual, seasonal, and monthly means. Timeseries and maps are displayed on the same page; maps update as the cursor is passed over the timeseries. Comma-delimited (CSV) spreadsheet files can be downloaded to make custom plots in external software.

Global Sea Surface Temperature Maps & Timeseries

View global sea-surface temperature data for annual, seasonal, and monthly means. Timeseries and maps are displayed on the same page; maps update as the cursor is passed over the timeseries. Comma-delimited (CSV) spreadsheet files can be downloaded to make custom plots in external software.

Monthly Reanalysis Maps

View U.S. and state-level temperature and precipitation data for annual, seasonal, and monthly means. Timeseries and maps are displayed on the same page; maps update as the cursor is passed over the timeseries. Comma-delimited (CSV) spreadsheet files can be downloaded to make custom plots in external software.

Monthly Reanalysis Timeseries

View U.S. and state-level temperature and precipitation data for annual, seasonal, and monthly means. Timeseries and maps are displayed on the same page; maps update as the cursor is passed over the timeseries. Comma-delimited (CSV) spreadsheet files can be downloaded to make custom plots in external software.

Monthly Reanalysis Linear Correlations

View U.S. and state-level temperature and precipitation data for annual, seasonal, and monthly means. Timeseries and maps are displayed on the same page; maps update as the cursor is passed over the timeseries. Comma-delimited (CSV) spreadsheet files can be downloaded to make custom plots in external software.

Historical Daily Reanalysis Weather Maps

View daily mean weather maps beginning January 1, 1979-present for several climate variables, including temperature (min, max, and average anomaly), precipitation, mean sea level pressure, sea surface temperature (and anomaly), and sea ice concentration. Map domains include the world, Arctic, Antarctic, and North America.

Hourly Weather Forecast Maps

View global and regional weather forecasts from state-of-the-art operational models. Variables include temperature, precipitation, wind (near surface and jetstream), mean sea level pressure, sea surface temperature, ground level ozone, and fine particulate matter, among others. Maps are available for several domains. an archive of more than a year is available for most variables.