Daily Temperature, SST, & Sea Ice

Map Area
Year / Month
Image Slider

Page Overview & Data Sources

  • This page can be used animate maps of daily mean 2-meter air temperature (2m Temperature), sea surface temperature (SST), and sea ice concentration from climate data products with record periods spanning about four decades. Use the buttons above the map to select the Variable, Map Area, and Year/Month. The maps can be animated you the playback buttons and slider.

  • 2m Temperature maps are generated from the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) version 2 (April 2011 – present) and CFS Reanalysis (January 1979 – March 2011). CFS/CFSR is a numerical climate and weather modeling framework that ingests surface, radiosonde, and satellite observations to estimate the state of the atmosphere through time. 2m Temperature Anomaly for each day is calculated in reference to 1979–2000 CFSR climatology. Users are encouraged to learn more about reanalysis — approach, strengths, limitations, and product comparisons — on the NCAR Climate Data Guide.

  • The Sea Ice Concentration maps are also generated from CFS/CFSR and based on satellite observational input.

  • Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and SST Anomaly maps are generated from NOAA Optimum Interpolation SST (OISST) version 2.1. OISST is a 0.25°x0.25° gridded dataset that estimates temperatures based on a blend of satellite, ship, and buoy observations. OISST also includes SST anomaly (based on a 1971–2000 NOAA climatology) and sea ice concentration variables. A sea ice mask is applied to the SST and anomaly maps for gridcells where ice concentration is >= 50%. Learn more about the OISST, including strengths and limitations, from the NCAR Climate Data Guide.

  • Both the Sea Ice Conentration and SST maps updated daily with a 1-day lag.

  • These maps are generated using NCAR Command Language.